Salem Properties Real Estate
Welcome to Salem Properties Real Estate, in Salem, Missouri. Peggy Bryce, Realtor for Salem Properties, is a member of the National Association of Realtors, the Missouri Association of Realtors Million Club, the South Central Board of Realtors and the MLS. She is also a member of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce which enables her to better serve the community.
Listing and selling real estate requires more than just the knowledge of what’s on the market and where it’s located. It also takes an understanding of the many steps included in finalizing a sale, such as help with arranging financing, inspections, title insurance, possession dates, utilities, taxes and a thorough knowledge of real estate laws. Peggy’s reputation of working with individuals, businesses and in determining the needs of her clients is well earned.
Honesty is the best policy and is the foundation of all of Salem Properties Services. We believe in and abide by the Golden Rule. Our clients see this and show their appreciation by returning to the place they trust, Salem Properties.
Salem Properties Real Estate is committed to do the best job they can in making sure everything is in order and on schedule. Peggy has had years of real estate and property rental management and is committed to perform quality work and continues to take advantage of all available education opportunities in order to provide the best service to all her clients.